Studio Owner Update!

Wow! I have had some great conversations lately with friends old and new. One of my new found friendships over the past year and a half was that of my Salty Buddha Yoga Studio partner Rachael.  You know when you meet someone and it just clicks?   We talked yoga for hours, laughed, shared stories and connected.. I was thrilled to have a new friend who’s love for spreading the joy of yoga was equal to mine.  This August we opened a yoga studio together.

We have been processing the good and hard post-pandemic questions of "What's next?" Now that life seemingly has returned to normal amidst all of the changes in health, relationship, jobs, and so on.....

"What's next?", "WHAT am I to do now? WHAT are we to do now?" The answer, for so many, is unclear. 

Reaching deep into the yoga wisdom toolbox, the answer would suggest to not worry about the ‘what’ and to focus on the ‘how’. In other words, on this next leg of the journey, "HOW do I/we want to be?" seems like a better question to be asking.

I've been swirling (and swirling) this one around and I come up with three primary answers. Mindful, Kind(ful), Peaceful. With whatever time I have left on this big, beautiful, impossible blue ball, these are the ways I want to be. I think in this context, that 'how' is actually more important than 'what.'

Interestingly, yoga is a good place to practice the answer. You see, yoga never is, was or ever will be about the posture (or asana). It’s about the mind-state in the posture. And every posture is nothing but a simulation of life's, well, lifey-ness. 

Every one of my recent practices has focused on these qualities. In every moment, it's not about WHAT I'm doing (restorative child or the advanced handstand) but HOW I'm doing it. Yes, mindful, kind(ful) and peaceful are TALL orders but I would pursue these qualities of the heart any day over worldly accomplishments. 

HOW would you like to be moving forward? Would you like to make it official and respond to this blog I'd love to hear from you and I'd love to cheer you on. HOWever you want to be in this world, may every thought, word and action you choose point you in that direction!

Let's practice together! Our community continues to grow and we are so glad you are part of it.

-Andrea Miller, RYT


Salty Buddha Yoga Studio

Rachael Croll